Mental Health Mondays

Online via Zoom

The Gainesville Community Council is hosting Mental Health Mondays, four events during the month of May to support Mental Health Awareness Month. You only need to register for one event to get access to all four events during the month of May. Once you register, you'll receive the Calendar Invite with the information to join […]


Mental Health Fair and Expo

Santa Fe GTech 2153 S.E. Hawthorne Road, Gainesville, FL, United States

To further address mental health issues and education in the community we are presenting a comprehensive mental health expo and symposium on June 25 th , 2022, 10am to 3pm at G-Tech 2153 SE Hawthorne Road. 352-301-0644. For more info, call: Phone: 352-301-0644, Email : The fair is a natural part of our mission: […]


Mental Health Coalition General Meeting

Join us at our next general meeting of the Mental Health Coalition of North Central Florida! Please feel free to forward this invite to other individuals and organizations that are interested in joining our coalition. Thank you, Mental Health Coalition Board. MHCNCF, Inc.  will work to promote an understanding that mental illness is a disease, […]


Gainesville Opportunity Center Fall Festival

Gainesville Opportunity Center 1210 NW 14th Ave, Gainesville, FL, United States

There will be friends, food, and lots of festivities! 1pm - Maltese Falcon, UF Street Ensemble 2:30pm - Newcomb Jazz Duo 6pm - Raffle drawing

Mental Health Coalition General Meeting

Our next general meeting of the Mental Health Coalition of North Central Florida! Please feel free to forward this invite to other individuals and organizations that are interested in joining our coalition. Thank you, Mental Health Coalition Board. MHCNCF, Inc.  will work to promote an understanding that mental illness is a disease, to reduce stigma […]
